Further thoughts about Art in Flux
I've been in Sydney a few months now, trying to find my feet. I've made some false starts, and my art has been in Flux. After being so sure of myself on Norfolk, and having a clear style which was evolving nicely, suddenly I'm overwhelmed by influences and so many different ideas are creeping into my art.
Visits to the Australian Museum, Fellow Artists on Instagram, the art gallery i'm interning at, city scapes, it is all finding it's way into my paintings, and there is something bright and joyful emerging, almost like an ultra ego, or my inside spirit pushing itself forward to show it's face. Memories of the last time I lived in cities, where I was active and busy and out there doing all kinds of stuff are coming through. There is more vibrancy, and less laid back energy.
Now that I am in the city, finding my feet on the business of selling art side of things is a different story. So many art galleries - but which one to approach? So many great markets - but which would suit my work best? So many people i'd love to collaborate with - but who to approach?
Whilst I know this step into a MUCH BIGGER POND without a captive audience would take some adjustment, I'm still floundering. The nice thing is to have some fellow artists and art galleries seeming to like what I'm doing....so maybe I should start with them.
Gosh, Art and Art Business is quite the navel gazing affair isn't it!!
'Papillion' , is one of many small butterfly paintings I have been working on. After a visit to the Australian Musuem and spending time looking at the old 'butterfly' drawers and thoughts of colonial times and exploration, these butterflies are at the tip of my brush.
'City Flower' is another miniature painting, inspired by the energy of a city in spring. With the Rhythm of traffic and a breeze moving things around, suddenly the beauty of a flower in amongst it all is like an anchor for me.