Art Sales — Art Blog Strongsoutherly
Art Trail and Pop Up Exhibition at Bowral Art Gallery 2022
Bowerbird Painting Series
Spring in the Highlands
Et in Arcadia Ego : Into Arcadia I go, for my creative inspiration!
Art Sales, ArtAndrea HamannAustralianArt, Artistlife, Southernhighlands, Southernhighlandsartist, Artlife, Landscapeart, Landscapepainter, Floralart, emergingartist, womenartists, creativepreneur, coloursplash, designerlife, interiorinspo, gallerywall, interiordesigners
A little divergence : #100daysof20x20
Art, Art Sales, Gardening, SydneyAndrea HamannArtsale, Floral Art, Art collector, Works on Paper, Mixedmedia, Sydney artist, Floweraddict, Jungle style
Final Online exhibition painting - Chardikala to the power of 5
Art, Art Sales, Global Perspectives, Postcolonial Art, SydneyAndrea HamannArt for sale, Art stories, Art collector, Contemporary Art, Australian Art, Abstract Art, Figurative Art, Jungle Art, Elephant art
Pikinini - and a few thoughts on everyday displacement
Global Perspectives, Art, Art SalesAndrea HamannExpatriat, Expatbrat, Art, Art sale, Displacement, Sydney artist, Artblog, Postcolonial, Diversity
Online Exhibition Day - I was covered in Bull Ants
Global Perspectives, Art, Art Sales, Sydney, Postcolonial ArtAndrea HamannPNG, Post Colonial, Childhood memories, Naive art, Tropical paintings, Wild flowers, Wildcolour, Artsy, Australian art, Onlineartexhibition, Onlineexhibit, Onlineartexhibit
A little bit of everyday displacement
Art, Art Sales, Life on an island, Global Perspectives, Postcolonial Art, SydneyAndrea HamannArtsale, Australianart, Sydney artist, Sydney, St George, Birdlife, BIrds, Seabirds, Sandpiper, Wildcolour, Strongsoutherly, Art collector, Artcollector, Onlineartexhibition
An impressionable postcolonial child
Art, Art Sales, Global Perspectives, Sydney, Postcolonial ArtAndrea HamannPostcolonial, Artsy, Artforsale, Artexhibition, Onlineartexhibition, Tropical paintings, Sydney, Sydney artist, Wildcolour, Botanical art
#Artforepilepsy Auction starts today
Art, Art SalesAndrea HamannArt, Art Auction, Artforepilepsy, Artforepilepsyauction, Australian art, Sydney, Sydney artist, Wildcolour, Wild colour, Tropical, Landscape, Abstract floral art, Jungle art, Jungle style, Vibrant colour