Island Life Week #3 : A good day
Today was a good day. I dropped Trouble off at childcare, reluctantly bribing him with a jelly bean if he went, and a jelly bean when I picked him up. He is experiencing some separation anxiety, so to avoid too many tears takes some coaxing. The same jelly bean incentive is being used for toilet training :)
After dropping him off, I went to a cafe for a well earned berry smoothie. I have had a grand total of 10 hours off from full time mom in the two weeks I have been here. So, I sat, had my smoothie, and then went to Pilates afterwards. PILATES. I, after goodness knows how long went to an exercise class for me. FOR ME. I'm exhausted from it.
I bolted down a quick lunch afterwards and I headed down to the government house garden and spent a few hours weeding, harvesting broccoli and pumpkins and harvesting dried beans for propagation. The gardens are in the ruins of the old stockyards for government house, and have a variety of vegies, including heirloom varieties from older times on the island.
The Gardeners Cottage, one of the most beautiful buildings on the island I have seen so far. Wait till I get some photos of the inside.
See that Kale in the photograph above - three varieties, one of which is in our own courtyard garden but needs a good water - first thing tomorrow. .
I took the boy to investigate the gardens this afternoon after child care, we picked a few beans and some Kale leaves for dinner, and then we popped in to see the Administrators wife before heading home.
Trouble likes to visit ''Raine"' and the "Nemos" in the most beautiful courtyard of the Government house, complete with kitchen garden. He knows the way, and rarely stops to wait for me, which is a tad scary as the fishpond (with the Nemos) is not covered.
And that was my day. Pilates, and Gardening. It was a good day
Oh, and these goodies above...foodmiles...80m