I live on an island
Emily Bay
As of two days ago, I live on an island in the middle of the south pacific. I am in a lovely Georgian house, surrounded by sprawling lawns, with a view across the golf course through towering Norfolk Pines to the ocean. Norfolk island, we have arrived.
I aimed to follow that mantra of start as you mean to continue, unfortunately Trouble (my son) and I came down with the lurgy the night before our flight, and we are now poorly, and struggling through each day. Him with tonsilitis, me with tonsil-cavity-itis. We have managed a few walks, some shopping...but that is about it. Our start has been...a bit off kilter.
It is going to be a big adjustment for the little guy, who is already wavering between 'I like new home' and 'I not like new home', and is asking for his friends to come visit. Feeling feverish and tired will not be helping. Luckily, the pets arrived safely which has made it seem a lot more like home for everyone.
As soon as we are both well, we will see about getting him in to a child care so he can make some new friends.
The good news is that in a months time a family with four kids moves in next door, including a three year old. And in the same time frame, another family moves with three kids, and another three year old. So the idea for an orphans Christmas on Quality Row sounds like a good plan ;).
Dawn sky over the golf course
Door to the studio.
And the best bit of all, is that my studio is going to be FABULOUS. I am so spoilt. It just needs my art supplies to arrive, and some furniture to be installed.
Given my current state of feeling rather wiped out, I'm not going to say much more than that right now, and will save some photos of the house, and the street, and all the surrounding beauty to slowly unfold as the weeks pass.
I wish you a lovely weekend, only a day and a bit away.